Thought for the day:

Thought for the day: Live an intentional life! You either live by design or default! You may as well design a life you desire!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And So We Commence

My absolute favorite TV show is and probably will always be "The Cosby Show". The last episode of the series was entitled "And So We Commence". The show was in a lot of ways a full circle from the beginning. That is how I feel today. I feel like a lot of things in my life are coming full circle....endings and new beginnings all at the same time. My season on the Sprint account has come to an end, but opened the door for new opportunities to make an impact on the company I am employed with and the people who work there. Some may not understand my decision to stay but, that's the beauty of it. They don't have to. I just know that it is what God is leading me to do at this time. That is also a new thing in this season. I don't feel as though everyone has to understand me. I am OK being authentically anomaly (as one of my very good friends calls me). Friends... how many of us have them. LOL... as things are coming full circle, I am finding that my circle of friend is also changing. While I haven't lost many friends, their positions and purposes in my life have shifted. People that I once talked to daily have become people with whom I share occasional phone calls...and people who I used to see in passing, have become people with whom I have some of my deepest conversations. It has been said that the only thing constant is change. I am learning to willingly and cheerfully flow with the changes in my life because I realize that they bring growth, movement, possibilities and pleasant surprises....And so we commence, into another season and I am open to life, happiness, purpose and love!


1 comment:

  1. I like this. It's so true and shows that although you don't know exactly what God is doing (which is the way He wants it most of the time)you CLEARLY know that He's got matter what/ who is changing God has strategically set it all up as He sees fit. I've decided to take and live by the "Pan Theory"..... Some kind of way it will all "pan out" the way God sees fit. lol!


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