- Where did the names from colors come from? Purple is my favorite color but I have to admit that the name is not as beautiful as the color.
- Why does slapping a name on a bottle and charging X amount of dollars make Moscato the new "it" drink. Back in the day it was called Muscatel and my Papi used to make his own from time to time (oops too much information ...which led me to my next thought...)
I really miss my Papi. He was a BAAAD man! (lol - That's him in the pic to the right.)
- For some reason, the theme to the movie "Mahogany" popped into my head: "Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know?" (Seems an appropriate question to ask at the moment.)
- Maybe I should change my phone number and start all over again. I used to anticipate your calls..."Now, not so much". And the person I want to call, well, that's a different story all together.
- HMMM...What should I do for my birthday. I was thinking a big gathering but the closer I get, I'm thinking a booth at the House of Jazz. (Any takers or alternated suggestions?)
- I am convinced that he is head over heels in love with me. He shows me everyday! Thanks, God you are awesome. You will always be my first love, my first husband and forever my boo!
- Alicia Keys "Un-thinkable" has been intermittently playing in and out of my head for the past month. That's not a bad thing...I like the song
- I realize that I don't really fit in...and I think I'm OK with that now.
- I'm kind of like a collage. If you are not privy to all of the small pieces, you miss the big picture.
- I'm glad my best friend in college originally thought that she wanted to be an actuary. That makes it a lot easier to remember their purpose in the world of insurance.
- Mrs. Vickie just told me that she wants me to go "get" my life....I think she's right. The season is now.
- I wonder if he knows how handsome he is?
- Why do I have to stay here until 5:30 when everyone else left by 3:30?
- (...and finally) Why am I writing down these random thoughts? :-) LOL
Thought for the day:
Thought for the day: Live an intentional life! You either live by design or default! You may as well design a life you desire!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Random Thoughts ...
The class that I am taking in an effort to obtain my NC Health Insurance License has been slow for the past two days. Yesterday, most of the class left early. While I was staring at my coursework, I began to doodle random thoughts. It's amazing where your mind wonders when you are trying not to think too hard. Some of the thoughts really amused me. I thought that I would share them with you. Just a warning: They really are random...no rhyme or reason.
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cute! funny! and so Shonda! i agree with RT (Random thought) #5, I'm loving RT 7, and I'm going to steal RT 6! lol! I loved this! Now u got me thinking about why I love the color Red...is it because of the name or the actual color...don't wear it much at all----even before Ced came into the picture :-) lol! hmmmmmm...