Thought for the day:

Thought for the day: Live an intentional life! You either live by design or default! You may as well design a life you desire!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just a thought.....

L.I.F.E. Live in Freedom Every Day! If you did not act on your dream yesterday, then what R U waiting on today. Just make 1 step, 1 action, 1 decision towards your dream. Create a momentum by moving in the direction that will favor UR cause. 1 of 2 things will happen. You will either hit purpose or go into a process. Either way, U will expand with unveiled knowledge enabling U 2 catch the grace of increase. ~ekb
The above quote was written by a college friend, Pastor E. Keith Bailey. (By the way, he shares his wisdom in his book entitled "Just Be:  Discovering the Real You).

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