Thought for the day:

Thought for the day: Live an intentional life! You either live by design or default! You may as well design a life you desire!

Thursday, August 9, 2007


The other night a friend told me that he went to bed hungry. I thought that my friend had not eaten anything but later was told that he had eaten a few frozen waffles. He had enough in his stomach to sustain him but he was not full. Don't get me wrong, my friend was not being ungrateful but his hunger was not satisfied. I started thinking about all of the things that I was dissatisfied with. The areas in my life where there was a hunger for more. It is easy to get lost in the comfort of our current situation and find ourselves coasting through life on autopilot instead of living the life that God has charted for us. I believe God allows us to be dissatisfied so that we do not become complacent. Moments of dissatisfaction cause us to open our eyes to the true reality of what our life looks like and to examine any ways that we desire the picture to be improved. That's it!... We are to be content with our current station of life but have just enough hunger pains not to become complacent. When we hunger in the natural, our first instinct is to seek out something to satisfy that hunger. Though we hunger in the natural, we should be seeking the fulfillment in the Spirit. Then ALL things will begin to fall into place. On her blog, Jaqueline Lambert says, "Dissatisfaction is the birthplace of the next thing God wants to do in your life." You know, I am inclined to think she is right! Keep hungering....... Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. (Luke 6:21 NIV)

1 comment:

  1. This is a good one! Dissatifaction brings us to finding out what really satifies us. Love it keep them coming!


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