I know that God has not given us a spirit of fear. But, just being real, he has not yet delivered me from my fear of driving over bridges. I love to see bodies of water. I think they are some of the most beautiful, tranquility inducing creations that God has made. That is, if I am standing on solid ground looking at them. Seeing the vastness of the water and being suspended above it with only a man-made structure for support leads me to just a bit of anxiety. But tunnel bridges like this one are a different story. It seems that I would be more anxious knowing that the water is not only under me but surrounds me. I guess that being enclosed, knowing but not actually seeing what lies on the outside, gives me peace. This picture coincides with what God is doing in my life. There are many areas that God is moving me forward in right now, like returning to school, volunteering for Hospice and the Guardian Ad
Litem Programs, getting fully connected and involved in a new church home, mapping out a plan for a nonprofit organization, to name a few. He has shown me the destination to which I am headed and mapped out a course for me. My only instruction is to go...to move forward. So, I leave the solid ground that I now stand on and step out in faith across
unchartered waters in my life. When I feel overwhelmed, God will act as my tunnel and cocoon me so that I don't get so caught up in the things and circumstances -good or bad- along my journey, to the point where I am distracted or caught in a traffic jam of fear that will delay me in reaching my particular point B. I move forward with God's light as my guide...not knowing exactly where I am on the road but knowing that I AM headed in the right direction and WILL eventually reach the promised land on the other side. Keep traveling through the abundant life that God wants to give you....and be sure to take the tunnels when needed!
great post. hope to meet you someday so your can share with me the miracles God is doing in your life.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jacq. I am sure that God will make that happen! Thank you for the prayers!
ReplyDeleteShonda I liked this one...and not just because I too have a fear of driving over bridges! LOL That is truly a fear of mine! I liked this because it is so true for a lot of believers...I trust God to bring these GREAT things to pass that He has assigned you to. Praying with you girl.